
Toronto Don Mills June 23,2 013

June 23, 2013 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:

At 5:30 Donna H, my daughter Julie and I observed both juveniles at Don Mills on 240.  Carina was in the same spot as yesterday - and Luna was very low on the building.  No sign of adults.

Luna took off and flew across garage and into the window on the east side of the nest building, did an about face and flew down the road going east and around the pink building.  We found he on top of the south wall of the pink building.  She seemed to be fine. 

Shortly after Kendal came in circled the building and landed on Harlequin, flew to ledge above Carina, flew to east side of nest building then back to the top of 240.

Immediately Carina started to call, flap her wings and then she took a poop and off she flew - across the garage and around the back of the building landing safely on the north side of nest building. She was sitting there panting.  YES we were very very excited.

We had to leave but Murray and Deb arrived for watch.

Murray watched Carina get fed by Kendal (finally)

and Deb watched Luna still on pink building flapping her wing.



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