
!!! ICICI - Both Lucky and AM-E are flying great!

June 29, 2013 - International, National and Local News

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Saturday June 29th- 2013Hi Guys

And we’re off!! AM-E figured out she could fly and boy can she ever! I arrived to see NO birds–but before long Mom flew in to her usual roost and then Dad came in with some food–over to the DeBeers building–no one showed, so over to ICICI-where a juvie quickly screamed, grabbed the food from Dad, who took off. I quickly ID Superman, who ate, preened and lay down. Then a fly in–AM-E!! From DeBeers roof!! Roof to roof–awesome!!

After a rest, off she flew, with Superman in pursuit and then Mom–around DeBeers, lost sight for a sec and two returned. I checked on closest-it was Superman–he had found one of Dad’s stash lol!! Mom had dropped AME off on the ICICI roof–great flying by our girl!! It was a great morning.

PM Watch:
I returned this evening to check on our girl, and found her on her favorite corner on ICICI–doing the turtle walk and just enjoying the sights. I watched until dark–didn’t want any fireworks scaring her off tonight!