

- All Reports

Marion Nash Reports:

June 27th - 2013
Hi Mark

Rather quiet day at ICICI–esp. after yesterdays excitement! I think AME is afraid of seeing Mark again, as she barely moved all day lol. Irma, Marion & Bruce all reported she stuck pretty well to her favorite corner, doing some turtle walking, a little wingersizing but that was about it!

Superman, on the other hand, when not watching over his little sister, was doing some great flying! Bruce observed him sneaking(or trying to) up on Mom on her letter, to which she would squawk and fly off, with Lucky in pursuit! I think its a new game for him, using Mom until his sister decides to fly and play with him!!! I had the pleasure of seeing this–he really is doing well!! He joined his sister at the end of the night, had some lovely sibling time, then off he went to roost for the night. AME made me a little nervous when she decided to do some wingersizing & hopping at 9:25pm–I mean really, its getting dark and NOW you think of flying lol!! But no, she finally settled down and was on her favorite corner when I left 20 minutes later.


11:00 AM Am-e was on the corner where Cathy had left her just above the entrance

11:20 mom brought in food and Lucky chased her around several circuits around De Beers and ICICI until mom landed beside Am-e who got the food.

11:50 dad brought in food and Lucky chased him to the roof top of ICICI until landing beside his sister and this time he took the food.

Both chicks spent the rest of the afternoon beside each other napping until I was relieved by Bruce at about 2:45.