
!!! New nest location on the powerhouse wall! IDENTIFIED!!

May 13, 2013 - Niagara Falls

CPF Postmaster Reports:

May 13th - 2013

A huge thank you to Jacquie and the entire USA team, as the Niagara Falls peregrines have not made locating their nest spot this year easy at all!

Jacquie writes: May 13th - 2013
Hi Guys,
I was at the Falls again today and saw tail feathers sticking out from behind that pink board again (photo attached) as soon as I arrived at 12:50. At 1:06 I saw the feathers move as the bird shifted positions. At 1:10 the male flew in and landed in the right side of the window box while the female came out from behind the pink board and flew off. He went behind the board and took over incubation duties. He didn’t have anything in his talons and I didn’t see any sign of him feeding chicks. When I left at 3pm, he was still on the nest and she had not returned yet.

I will get out my notes tomorrow and put together a timeline of observations and maybe we can figure out an incubation start date.

- Jacquie