
Buffy and Legacy Currently Not Incubating

April 27, 2013 - Bowmanville - St Mary's Cement

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I visited St. Mary’s Cement in Bowmanville yesterday to check up on the resident pair and whether they were in fact incubating eggs.  I met up with Ruben and we headed out to the area where the peregrines were expressing interest in possibly nesting.  On our way through the plant, we found Legacy tucked up on a ledge on the east side of the main structure.  There he sat preening away and I must say that he looks so much like his father Tiago.  He has that full helmet head and is incredibly dark.  We continued around to the coal silos and stopped to look for Buffy in the spot that I located her on my last visit.  She was not in the cavity at the top of the silo and we turned our attention to the clinker silos to the west.  Of the two silos in the complex that we can fully see, the one to the east which has an external stair is where I have seen the adults roosting and eating on each occasion that I have been monitoring.  A quick check revealed Buffy on the platform railing halfway up the height of the silo.  With both adults in view they are clealy not in any serious full time incubation at this moment.  Ruben and I discussed the likely possibility that the juvenile female that was out here on my first monitoring of the season may in fact have contributed to the pair not incubating at the moment.  A second attempt was possible as it was not too late in the season for another try.  I will be back out again to St. Mary’s to check in on the pair and I would like to thank the excellent staff at the plant for being such a great host site to Buffy and Legacy.  We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Legacy Chasing Juveniles Buffy