
Spring Comes to the Lift Bridge

February 06, 2013 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Yesterday, February 5th, Bill visited the Lift Bridge.  As he walked towards the Pier from the Beach Parking Lot, Mom was sitting on the very bottom beam of the Hamilton Hydro Tower.  She was looking directly down at him chirping.  I guess she was sitting there digesting lunch as her crop was full. 

Today, February 6th, we dropped by again.  It was cool -6 degrees, but both were visible sunning themselves.  Dad was mostly sitting on the old nest ledge and Mom was sitting on the corner of the nest box.  They both took to the air, getting  the pigeons up and moving.  When they returned, Mom went to the nest box and Dad followed mating with her.  Spring is in the air at the Lift Bridge!

Mom Digesting Lunch Look At That Full Crop Sping Comes to the Lift Bridge