
!!! Bad Day to be Redtail Hawk

January 04, 2013 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

This morning around 9 am a coworker cam running over to my desk to inform me that there was a dead peregrine falcon on the rooftop outside her window.   

It was not one of our juveniles but instead a Juvenile Red Tail Hawk, she was very large and absolutely gorgeous.  I saw her two days ago hunting over the Bell Building across the street and remember thinking - you better not let O’connor see you! 

Mark informed me that an adult Red Tail wouldn’t come near the nest site however this gal being a juvenile wouldn’t have known the danger.    I expect she did run into O’connor as she was directly between the nest site building and the centre tower and her injuries and positioning would indicate she had been aggressively driven to the rooftop.

Both Jack and O’Connor have been velcroed to the nest ledge for the past 5 hours in the exact same positions so I expect this altercation happened very early this morning as both seem to be ‘on alert’. 

Many thanks to the Security Team at Sunlife for taking me out and helping with the retreival of her body.

Red Tail Juvenile Red Tail Juvenile