
!!! Both Quest and Kendal are still hanging in!

November 07, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

CPF Postmaster Reports:

November 7th - 2012

Observation reports received today from Donna has re-confirmed that both Quest and Kendal were very visible again today as they spent much of their time hanging around the upper roof elevations of the surrounding buildings, reaffirming their dominance over their territory.

Just when it appeared that the on-going repair work seemed to have stalled at the 220 Duncan Mill nest building, (at least on the south face for the building where the nest ledge is), the workmen were back at it again.

Both peregrines were checking in on the activity on the nest building as the workmen and swing stage got closer to the actual nest ledge. In photos captured today, you can see the new aluminum face flashing (indicated by the red arrows), with the green circle hi-lighting the nest ledge itself.

While both birds have not been visible over the past two weeks, it is obvious that both birds are around watching from their winter haunts and roosts in the area. They are still very much on territory and it would appear given this late date, that they are not going south for the winter.

Stay tuned……

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