
Still close to home for sure!

July 25, 2012 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Jul 25 - 2012
7:45-8:45 - Caster on perch to the left of the playpen - swooped down and circled back to the tallest perch above the playpen
12:30-1:00 - Junior is on the park st side between the girder and the wall on the very right - I saw Statler there on Monday
3:00 - Jr was not on the cement wall above louvres on union st
3:30 - Kelly said he was screeching up a storm …and an adult arrived. Must have dropped off lunch, as he’s eating right now….union st, top of concrete to the right of long strip of windows
5:00 - Junior on Caster’s union st perch
7:45 - Caster on king st parapet side; Junior on papa’s union st perch
8:20 - Statler flew in on the roof jr screeched for 1/2 HR or so - Statler jumped up on the ledge with him a few times - she flew over to the king st side on one of the girders opposite caster
9:30 - both Caster & Statler flew off