
!!! Paul and Albus very visible, but Eagen is still missing.

July 01, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Yellow Page Check - July 1, 2012

Today we arrived at Yellow Page around 7:15 pm for a quick check on the peregrine falcons that we all love so much.
For the first 10 minutes, there were absolutely no falcon in sight, not on the yellow page building nor the investor group building (nicknamed the kitchen by Mark.)
We started to get concerned as there were two gulls freely gracing the sky and the airspace above the parking lot between the two buildings and still no falcon showed up.
Waited for another 5 minutes and we started hearing some music to our ears, we could hear some special baby scream :) Oh the baby can definitely scream because we can hear him scream before we can even make out its shape.
We were very delighted to see two falcons coming from the west towards the south side of the yellow page building, obviously a baby chasing mom with food. There were some attempted food transfer practice above the parking space but not successful because the dinner was huge (you can see the tail of the dinner in the one of photo, they are about the same size or even bigger compared to Albus and little Paul). Then mom and baby landed on a south facing mid-level ledge. Adult stayed for a while to prep dinner and then flew to the shoulder ledge next by to supervise junior and us (the watchers.)
Junior had food all for himself for about 5 minutes until another sibling showed up with dad from again the west. The sibling of course flew directly to the ledge where dinner was being served.
From the photos, you can clearly see one baby is the blue-banded little Paul and the other one is green-taped Albus.
Dad decided to supervise all of us too from 1 level higher than Mom. Then he flew to the other side of the building.

We were there for about an hour and we can only count 2 fledgings and both adults visible all the time. With the photos, we confirmed the 2 fledgings we saw were little Paul and Albus, so Eagen has not shown up during dinner. We hope Eagen was just hiding or napping somewhere. We will try to go back tomorrow for another check.

Winnie & Alan

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