
!!! Everything going well!

July 02, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

CPF Volunteer Reports:

July 2, 2012

We arrived at the Don Mills around 4:20pm Jul 2 Monday.

We immediately spotted someone was home in the nest box but due to the light, we could not identified who was that.
Then we followed the non-stop calling of two fledglings to the parking lot directly opposite to Harlequin and it was great that we found Patty, one of the fledge watch volunteers we met at the Yellow Pages fledge watch a few times. Patty was there for a few hours already, keeping a tab on the family.
We were able to located Kendal who was sitting on a corner of 240 Duncan mills. He was taking a break in the shade while overlooking Amora who was sitting directly across him on the 220 Duncan mills facing east.
While we were snapping pics of Amora (who must love all these paparazzi attention since she was doing a lot of poses and showing her bling), someone was quietly lurking around the corner of the same building. From the size of it and Patty’s note of the fledglings’ movements, we figure that this quiet little thing is Mira. Just when we want to take more pics to confirm, our camera battery died on us.

The two fledglings took flight almost at the same time. They were flying strong and far and circled around those apartments north of don mills road.

Quest just showed up at the golden building next to Harlequin at around the same time.

We did not spot Blaze during the time there but Patty mentioned that she saw him lurking around at the back of the nest building.

We stayed for about 1.5 hour and during the later part also met a gentleman who lives nearby. He told us the pigeon and hawk populations history of the area and some great stories about the amazing birds he saw when he was with MTO.

Winnie & Alan

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