
Torrential Downpours Cool the Air at Canada Square

June 21, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Still one more fledge to go. Solar proved his metal and stuck to the level below the nest like glue today. Haven did not try and encourage him off.

I arrived at 8:45 and Stormin was high up on Rio-Can. Shortly thereafter Haven flew in from the south and landed on the antenna on top of Canada Square. Young Solar was still on the level below the nest.

Stormin flew from his perch and I was not sure where he went. There were pigeons scattered from their perches in the old bus bay area especially on the wall where black building meets concrete. There are a number of nooks and crannies and I think pigeons make their nests there. Anyway I saw Haven go for a pigeon but she came up without anything. I don’t know whether Stormin caught a pigeon or took a squab off the ledge but whatever he had he fed Solar on the lower ledge. While he was thus engaged Haven had flown to the same spot as yesterday, where wall meets higher wall on the black building, fourth floor level, and trotted towards *herself* reflected in the wall. Just the same as she had yesterday she pushed her face against the wall, then she stepped back and looked, put her head down and had another look then took off. The peregrine looking back at her was not to her liking.

Stormin spent a lot of time in the area today and I wonder if it was because his *first hatched* was having some *downtime* at home.

Simcoe, our *high flyer* had a lovely long flight. He started off from way over Heart and Stroke and flew west and back to the condos across Yonge Street. He circled high above Canada Square, east of H & S, north up Yonge and was gone. A little later he re-appeared and landed on the balcony wall below the nest, under the railing!

Stormin fed Solar again, whilst Haven was on the old nest ledge, and flew off. An hour after that feeding Haven flew from the old ledge and Simcoe and Solar remained on their spots. Simcoe wandered up and down the balcony wall under the railing. He looked up and looked down. He flew off and re-appeared on the level below this year’s nest. Solar looked pleased to see him but went down for a nap. Simcoe was a real fidget. He just could not settle and fifteen minutes later he was gone. A few minutes later our *high flyer* was flying high over H & S and Canada Square. He made several circles up there before Haven found him and dived on him. She then led him between the H&S and RC buildings and she came out alone.

Marion spotted people on the black building roof. They looked as if they may have been deciding where or how to clean the windows. They soon disappeared. Whilst they were up there Have was sitting on one of the ledges on the narrow *slit* windows at the top of the solid concrete wall before circling Canada Square.

Simcoe returned to the level below the nest and Stormin buzzed both babies. Stormin settled on the roof. He was restless though and flew to the top of the wall third from the nest. Then he hopped to the second wall. After a minute of two he rubbed his face on the edge and then hopped down onto the actual ledge next door to the youngsters. About twenty minutes later one of the adults buzzed the babies and both ducked.

Later, Haven came off the black building somewhere headed north west-ish over 53 Division and appeared to frighten off a low flying bird, maybe a juvie red-tailed hawk, not sure. Whatever it was it left. Haven did a lot of flying in the next hour or so. Marion was near the Yonge/Eglinton intersection and saw a *head* peek out from one of the ledges. The *head* appeared and disappeared several times. So I said I would trot over and see who it was if possible. Unfortunately I did not see the bird and that corner was WINDY!!! It may have been Brisk, whom we had not seen thus far!! Anyway on my return Marion pointed out Brisk on the antenna on top of 2180 Yonge Street. Then we saw Haven, as she *buzzed* him. He left the antenna and flew onto the top of a pole in the same area and Haven buzzed him again. He fluttered off the top of the pole but went back and she buzzed him again. I think she wanted him airborne!

Later on Simcoe was flying again and Haven flew with him.

Stormin had more food and flew past the nest level and I can’t remember if he dropped in or not. I think not. He then flew to 218i0 Yonge and landed on the side of the highest point of that building. Stormin returned to the nest ledge but misjudged everything, his altitude, the distance from the ledge, possibly even his speed and he crashed into it and fluttered to the level below.

Solar had been sleeping in the corner in which Stormin crashed so that must have been a bit of a shock for him.

Tracy called to warn us about the storm coming our way so we packed our gear but hung around. It appeared to pass over but later on we saw ominous signs in the sky, roiling clouds, dark and stormy. Marion had charged over to the mall for a coffee to sustain her and we were simply going to trot into 53 Division for the duration and hope she got back before the rain. However we decided to go to the mall as well and we met her there. Rain it did! Buckets of it. Eventually Marion decided to go home and Maggie and I continued talking. It was soon time for Maggie to leave and I walked to the exit with her and decided to check on the peregrines. We reached 53 Division and *our wall* when Maggie pointed out *someone with binoculars* looking at our birds. I recognised Caroline who had come to check on them. We had a few minutes together before it began to rain again and we all went our separate ways. We left Haven on the antenna on top of 2180 Yonge, Stormin on one of the cross pieces nearby and Simcoe and Solar on the level below the nest!
