
The Rescue of Brisk

June 18, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Marion told this story of the rescue and release.

In order to find our little missing peregrine falcon, Marion went to Neil Armstrong of Northam Realty Advisors Limited for assistance. Marion searched the roof with no success. Neil Armstrong then took her to a floor overlooking the balconies to see if the fledgling was trapped on one. Success. Neil identified the suite immediately and took Marion there.

Neil and Marion held out towels and corralled him in a corner then Marion dropped a towel over him but he scooted out of a corner and behind a planter and then dropped down about a twenty feet deep shaft. Marion asked if there was a ladder and rope available and Neil immediately called the Maintenance Department to bring the equipment. No sooner said than done. The ladder was put down the shaft and tied off for stability and Marion went down to effect the rescue. She caught him and carried him up the ladder in her arms. Once he was inside Marion gave him a thorough examination and pronounced him fit and healthy and identified him as Brisk, who fledged yesterday!

So with a clean bill of health he was placed in the carrier and left. Neil went above and beyond the call and had the air conditioning switched on so that the office was cool for him.

This evening, thanks go to Neil of Paragon Security for facilitating the release. Marion had to take Brisk out in a towel, carry him to the balcony and unwrap him. He stayed where he was released.

Canadian Peregrine Foundation is very grateful to Neil Armstrong and his wonderful maintenance staff.

It is this sort of action from Building Managers which is helping tremendously in assuring the rebuilding of a species once extirpated in Ontario.
