
From a very WINDY centre of the city!

June 25, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I arrived at about 8:50 to find only Haven and Stormin and one wingtip in view. I assumed that because of the wind and possibly the coolth that the fledglings were lying down. Haven flew between Canada Square and Rio-Can several times before there was other activity. Eventually Solar was up and preening and Stormin flew between RC and Heart and Stroke. Young Simcoe finally put in an appearance and landed on Canada Square. Haven swooped down on him twice and he flew. He went to H & S and attempted to land on a window sill which did not work. He fluttered at the window for a moment or two then flew off to the southern end of Canada Square. Haven flew to Rio-Can. Haven tried to entice Simcoe into more flight by flying here and there but to no avail.

At some point Solar flew to Canada Square without my seeing her. She flew off Canada Square to RC where she brushed a window and then flew south to the southern end of Canada Square where she landed on the balcony south west corner.

After Marion left I moved up to the wall outside 53 Division where I had just settled in only to discover that Solar was not on the corner. I picked up and packed up my gear and trotted down to the end of the block and found her sitting on the same balcony wall but out of the wind! After that there was not much activity.

It was hard for the peregrines to fly in the wind, especially hard for the fledglings so everyone stayed put.

An hour and a half later Solar flew high towards RC but circled Canada Square and actually landed on the antenna on Canada Square. She almost overshot her mark, almost was tipped off by the wind BUT she landed and hung on!! Shortly after that she flew around the YE intersection, gained height and landed on RC roof ledge with one or two *tilts* but otherwise no problems!

I think Simcoe then flew off RC and took the wind south. He really sped by, down Duplex Ave, turned and headed back up Duplex. This was a struggle in the wind and he had dropped in altitude. Clever chap flew over the old TTC bus bays where there was less wind, regained his height, turned again and flew up to the roof ledge of RC!!!

Stormin flew in with a food parcel and I did not see who managed to get it but I do believe it was Solar. Stormin was MOBBED by a crowd of two hungry fledglings! After that there appeared to be a bit of a skirmish as all I saw was wings, wings and more wings!

Simcoe flew south, around Canada Square and back on to RC. Later he chased Haven when she flew. We had three in the air at one point and I was trying to figure out what was happening as there was plenty of diving and chasing. I thought, erroneously that two were hunting a pigeon (the third peregrine)!!! Not so. Maggie said *three peregrines* and we both watched carefully. Stormin had a food parcel, very visible, in his talons. Simcoe was chasing him and at one point Stormin turned and I think was attempting to transfer it to Simcoe but Simcoe was not fast enough. Haven was flying as *support team* to one or both of them. Was she there possibly to grab the food if it fell when being transferred? There was no transfer and Stormin land on the roof ledge of RC with Simcoe almost landing on top of him. Solar was not left out and charged over. I am not sure who managed to get the spoils this time but again I think it was Solar. Both Haven and Stormin flew off

When we left at 7:00 pm a very satisfied Solar was sitting digesting her meals!!!
