
!!! Bowmanville - St. Marys Cement - a new peregrine nest, a down downed fledgling peregrine, a rescue and another good day!

June 22, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Mark Nash Reports:

June 23 - 2012
During the afternoon while on the Scarborough Yellow pages fledge watch, I received a call from a representative of St. Mary’s Cement in Bowmanville where I was told the a peregrine had become trapped in the lower basement section of one of the buildings on the property and asked if we could help. So leaving the fledge watch in Kathy’s hands, I proceeded to Bowmanville Ontario.

I called Mark Heaton at the OMNR to advice him of him of the situation and it was decided that if it was in fact a peregrine, (and only if I was able to confirm that it was a fledgling produced at this site), I would return to Toronto with the bird if it was uninjured and safe to do so, so it could be either treated and/or banded and returned to it parents. Upon arrival in St. Mary’s cement in Bowmanville, I met with company representatives and then taken out to where the bird was located.

A very young female peregrine falcon still with some white down was in fact identified, rescued / retrieved, examined for injuries and was then placed in the rescue carrier without incident.

With no apparent injuries, the feisty young fledgling was safely taken back to my vehicle for transport. The staff at St. Mary’s were able to spend some time with me doing walk around in an effort find a possible nest site.

Moments into my search, I was able to locate and identify the resident adult female peregrine falcon and an active nest with at least one other hatchling in the eyrie on one of the buildings on the property. Very satisfied with the find, I returned to Toronto with the fledgling so it could be banded by MNR and returned to its nest.

Mean while, back to the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site, where I was able to release the young fledgling Albus back to the nest building rooftop and his parents without incident.

Stay tuned…….