
!!! Belated Thanks

June 15, 2012 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Frank Butson Reports:

Ive just come home late last evening and am only now internet capable again. Plans when fledge watching change. So Tracy didnt have to take me each morning to the watch and could get a little extra sleep before going to work,we decided Id stay in Toronto for a few days with my mother and go to the watch from there. The time for this plan was coming to an end when 3 things happened all in a day on June 15th.

Windward was on a low roof on June 14th.  Baylie had noticed her early in the morning. She let me know and I did a search of the Bell building at Eagle Rd and Bloor. I saw nothing and figured Windward had flown off. She was flying reasonably well Id thought so wasnt too worried. In the past fledglings had made it from this roof back to the nestledge. Later that day I was alerted to her presence above me. She was it turned out on that very roof still. I moved to a spot I could see her better and track her if she flew. I was joined by a couple who had called the Ministry Of Natural Resources office in Aurora as they had seen the bird on the roof from about 630am in the morning and thought it may be in distress. They were told CPF was doing a watch and someone should be on the scene(all of Baylie,Kathy and I were there..later Rob and still later Angie). We chatted and I gave them our direct numbers to call. I thanked them for their care and concern and actions they took. Community support in this area is fantastic.

  After watching her for much of the day,Windward took flight. Kathy was walking away and I called to her . Windward made a reasonably good flight but didnt gain much altitude,she went between the condo and the Sun Life Centre, through to Aberfoyle. We searched to no avail. Kathy and Rene went into their offices at ADP and from the 17th floor were unable to see Windward anywhere. They checked rooftops and balconies as well as they could. At ground level the search was on in the park and of the balconies of nearby appartments and condos. We just couldnt relocate her. Seeing that neither O’Connor nor Jack was terribly upset,we accepted that she would pop up someplace. By evening she had not so Tracy did another search but came up empty.

The next day we still were not seeing Windward.  Kathy went to the Aberfoyle side for another look around. She came running back waving frantically for me to come. Men working on a condo on Aberfoyle spotted Windward trapped on a glass balcony and having seen us searching the day before and spoken to us,knew to let us know. Many thanks to Omer Apacik and Fatih Apacik of EFES Painting for their help in locating Windward. She kept bumping the glass in attempts to get off the balcony and was in danger of hurting herself. Omer and Fatih held up their work so we could safely make a rescue. Kathy and I went to One Lomond Drive and spoke to a very helpful security guard from Paragon Security, who upon hearing our need to rescue Windward immediately contacted Property Manager Annette Van Rooyen. (sorry I missed the security guards name). Annette and Kathy figured out which unit the bird was stuck on the balcony of and Annette set to helping us gain entry.  Baylie had come with our rescue carrier. We quickly arrived and found Windward on the balcony, still making failed attempts to get off,continuing to bonk herself. After a very quick look around, I went out on the balcony and rescued Windward.  Annette and Baylie readied the cage as I did a quick assessment of how Windward was. She was fine,with no signs of blood in her mouth or nose, no droopy wings. We thanked everyone for their part in the rescue and showed a few residents Windward before taking her to Sunlife and the comfort of security. I must thank Annette Van Rooyen of Brookfield Residential Services again for all her help with this rescue. Without the co-operation of local property managers,security,building staff and residents we could not do what we do. I credit all of you for this.  Windward was released later that night under darkness and continues to do well.

  Later in the day our hearts sank. As Angie and I watched, Regatta made a flight off of the Kingsway On The Park condo. She flew well and strong and was gaining height when she flew right into the reflective glass of the Sunlife building. Angie and I heard the sickening thud when Regatta crashed head first into the window, all the way down at ground level and across 6 lanes of traffic. We immediately began across the road as Regatta spiralled down to the mezzanine level of the building. We proceeded to security hoping against hope that she was only knocked out and would be okay. Security took us to the roof to get Regatta. Angie climbed a ladder to a hatch opening to the roof and retrieved Regatta.  Sadly her neck was broken on impact and we could only recover her lifeless still warm body. She looked perfect, so beautiful, such a hard thing to accept. Kathy, Angie and I took a little time to regroup as I called Mark Nash to inform him of the sad news.

  In situations like this we can only take solice in the fact that we did all we could as quickly as we could. That everyone who had to play a part did and that maybe next time it wouldnt be in vain. We have to hold onto all of the many sucesses of not only the season but other rescues past. We cant save every Peregrine chick, but we sure try!!!

  We began to watch the family again,hearts abit heavy but we were there to help the rest of the family. As we watched the chicks and spoke with very interested passersby, it wasnt a falcon that needed help, it was me!  A fellow whose name I wish I knew stopped and asked if I was standing in blood? I answered no but when I looked down at my left foot I discovered I was very wrong. Without being graffic, I was bleeding profusely. I hadnt felt a thing and were it not for this concerned stranger I dont know how long it would have continued. He called an ambulance for me and waited for it to arrive. It seemed to be taking awhile so he recalled just as it was making the corner. Only once the EMTs had things under control did he leave and carry on with his Friday night. I owe this fine unknown person my thanks.   I was taken to hospital and after Xrays and examination the ER Doc fixed my foot up. (details not necessary to the story). 10 days later I got the stiches out and am fine.  It could have been very serious had I not gotton help. At  1am a very tired Tracy collected me from the hospital and dropped me at my mothers. Special thanks to Tracy too. You may have figured out from so many of our postings she is somewhat of a Super Woman, going so far above and beyond the call of duty that she could soar with the very Peregrine Falcons which she helps so tirelessly.

Thanks to everyone who helped rescue Windward,recover Regatta and helped and cared for me.

A feisty rescued Windward.