
Out On A Nice Warm Day?

April 25, 2012 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Frank Butson Reports:

From Lyn:I saw both adult Canada Square peregrines today.
I had been perched in my usual spot for ages with nothing to be seen until Haven (the female) flew in. She came from the west side of the Rio-Can building, so possibly from Duplex Ave, and flew along Eglinton Ave until she was between the Heart and Stroke and the Canada Square buildings at the corner of Yonge and Eglinton. She circled a couple of times then simply flew up to the southwest corner of Rio-Can. There she preened, sat, stretched and waited for a while before taking off on the east side and up Yonge street.
I continued sitting, waiting and hoping and was rewarded quite a while later by the sight of Stormin (the male), flying over the Metro Police Station and onto the OLD nest ledge where he appeared to drop a food parcel. I was struggling to get the binocluars working as this had taken me by surprise. He sat for a minute and chuk-chuk-chukked then flew to the south face of the Rio-Can building where he sat, six floors from the top and called again. After just a minute or two he flew up Yonge street as well.
I waited for about another fifteen minutes before going home and in that time I did not see anyone on or near the new nest ledge nor was the food parcel retrieved.

 We are glad Lyn is back and look forward to her reports. Thank Lyn.