
Territorial battles have begun! Spring is in the air!

March 07, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Mar. 7th 2012 - Yellow Pages
Good Morning,
Having been an avid watcher of the peregrines at the Yellow pages building over the last few years, I thought I was being treated to another amazing flying display until I realized that there was a third peregrine in the mix. This took place on Mar. 7th at about 7:30am. Two of the peregrines were locked in a swirling, diving aerial joust just above and around the Yellow Pages building, with a third doing tight loops around the top of the building. At the end of it, 2 of the peregrines ended up chasing off the ‘intruder’, however I have no idea who the victors were in this incursion. As the sun was rising and I was west of the building, all that I could make out was the silhouettes of the birds, so I have no identification to pass on. I will try to obtain photos in the near future, and advise accordingly.
Tom Hansen