
!!! Courtship Continues

March 05, 2012 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Tonight as I was leaving the office, I saw or I should say I heard Angel before I saw her.  She was sitting on her usual perch and let out a few very lazy kacks.  In contrast to when an intruder comes into the territory, these were not the short, rapid fire kack-kack-kack sounds the falcons will make.

The tone of this sounded more nasal and the kack’s were drawn out, like kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack, and then followed by excited, squeeky chup, chup, chup.  Of course Jack was coming into the territory so she flew out to greet him.

From the ground it looked like she went out and hit him, but what happened very fast was she flew out towards him and he turned over very quickly and they touched talons and he righted himself and they both flew back to the nestbox together.  Then more chupping and bowing ensued.

It’s easy to see or hear why sometimes we misinterpret interactions between a  pair during this time of year as they can  look and sound quite aggressive but it’s all part of the courtship ritual.  So keep your eyes and ‘ears’ opened, it may not be what you think!