
All is Well at Osler and the Monitor is Now On!!

March 22, 2012 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

On Thursday, I was out to the William Osler Hospital site to check in on Hurricane and his mate O’Connor and equally as important, to turn on the monitor for the IP camera at this site.  Upon arrival, Hurricane was in the south tower relaxing and I watched O’Connor take flight over the ravine to the south and head over to the Humber College area.  It wasn’t long before Hurricane joined her and the two disappeared off of the site for over an hour.  The female came back first and landed in the east tower facing the nest ledge and decided to take a nap in the afternoon sun.  She stayed for about 45 minutes and shortly after she left, Hurricane arrived and took her place in the tower ee-chupping and bowing the whole time.  His flights are excellent, balance is good and the swelling I could see above one eye looked almost completely gone.  What a tough little guy he is!!  No wonder given that he is the offspring of two other very resilient birds, Windwhistler and Wind.  After I was completely assured that all was well here, I headed upstairs to the mechanical room to officially turn on the monitor for the season.  No eggs in the tray as of yet and hopefully they are not far behind.  The image the monitor was receiving from the IP camera was astounding and we hope that the great folks at William Osler will be able to continue to support our efforts here by providing us with access to the internet so that we can bring this incredible image to the world as this site now has a large world wide following.  Check back soon for further updates on the progression of the nesting season!!