
Peregrines Spotted At Tommy Thompson Park

January 21, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Frank Butson Reports:

A friend posted a few photos on a local birding board, so I contacted him for a story and use of his photos. Colin Marcano has sent us the following photos and report of 2 Peregrine Falcons he saw at Toronto’s Tommy Thompson Park(Leslie Street Spit), on Saturday Jan 21st .  One photo Colin got shows the band 46/Y, black over black which belongs to a Peregrine named Peter who was banded at the Hamilton Sheraton Hotel, in June of 2010.  Peter has been spotted at “the Spit” before . The 2nd Peregrine is a female,who there is no ID on.  Colin told me that he found both Peregrines perched for about 30minutes,before they headed off to the northwest.  Its always great news to get band information and to know Peter has a potential mate is even better.

Careful inspection shows Peter’s band number above.

Other photos by Colin can be seen at