
Truss and Milton Still Onsite at Brampton Courthouse

October 17, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I was in Brampton on Monday of this week delivering our Project School Visit and took my lunch at the Brampton Courthouse to look for one of our newest families.  I was pleased to find both Truss and Milton on the east side of the courthouse staying out of the blustery winds that we have been experiencing over the past few days.  Although there was no sign of Courtney, that is to be expected as juveniles are now moving through to the south as reported to me by Frank and Ann from their hawk watch site.  Both adults were perched and preening the entire time I was there; Truss on the railing by the access door to the ledge and Milton on the northern corner of the same ledge.  I look forward to seeing more of these two as I continue to visit Brampton this week.