
CPF at the Woodbridge Fair this Weekend!!

October 10, 2011 - CPF Events

Tracy Simpson Reports:

The CPF was pleased to be in attendance this weekend at the 164th annual Woodbridge Fair in York Region and spend some time sharing our experiences with birds of prey with fairgoers.  There were several highlights of the weekend, the best is always the time we get to spend with our volunteers, the public and most importantly our educational birds.  Over the past three days we have introduced Cheyenne the peregrine, Nova the peregrine, Seamus the north american barn owl, Alex the great horned owl, Max the harris hawk, Kyla the kestrel and Bubo the european eagle owl to hundreds of people!!  We spent our days sharing with others the struggles that these species have faced in the wild due to pesticides, loss of habitat and many other challenges that top predators such as these encounter, as well as the successes the CPF have been a part of during the ongoing recovery of the Peregrine falcon in Ontario.  We had a wonderful time at the fair, connecting with adults and children alike, and introducing them to our feathered family.  We look forward to seeing folks again next year!!

P.S. The maple buttered Beavertails were awesome!!!

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