
!!! Courtney is investigating her new world.

August 09, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Tues Aug 9th - 2011

Raining this morning, both adults were on the west facing window ledge ,40 feet apart out of the rain. Courtney was rooftop on an antenna. In a half hour four times she took short flights right at the pigeons, sending them scattering away.
She seems to like the rain.
Late this evening I arrived to see her out over the parking lots, dipping and turning all by herself, just practising.
At about five to nine she left an antenna to meet Milton coming in. He kept going right over my head and right by the courthouse, North with Courtney in pursuit. I watched till I had to use my binoculars to keep track. Courtney kept pace for over a kilometer, past Steeles. Then she turned west and you cound see her flagging, slower wingbeats and losing altitude coasting. Milton turned amd followed her west. I estimated her destination to be at Shoppers world. So I drove up there and cruised the parking lots checking out the rooflines in the fading light. No sign of her , but I may have spotted Milton on the roof of a nearby apartment. I did not see Truss this evening.
I will check , starting at the courthouse in the morning.