
Toronto Don Mills - Harlequin finding Kendals food on buildings

July 15, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:

4:30pm  at the falcon watch Harlequin was on the side of  220 building with Quest just below her. Quest flew towards the valley. Harlequin within a few minutes also flew off - she went to the front of 220 and did a circle around it landing briefly on 240.  She returned to the same spot on 220 with food.  Small package.

She took off again and went around 220 and somehow landed up on top of 250 building.  She was wandering around the top when we noticed she had a large package of food.  She tore out feathers, and ate her fill.  Crop full. She flew off again and landed on the H on the Harlequin Building.

In the distance Bruce and I saw both kendal and quest soaring together.  They were a long distance away.   When Carol and I left Harlie was sitting on the back of 250 building with Bruce watching.

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