
!!! It’s amazing how a week can change things at one location!

July 02, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 2 - 2011
It’s amazing how a week can change things at one location.
With a free evening, I headed down to the Yellow Pages nest sight with camera in tow and was this aviation enthusiast treated to some spectacular flying by all the young ones and their parents.
At first it was what appeared to be dad and the red banded chick practicing food exchanges.
Then along came another chick from the nest building and, much to my surprise, the two chicks started impersonating mom and dad doing mock food exchanges with each other while flying through the air!
Both young ones eventually landed on the Investor’s Group building where, while only sitting for a minute, one of the juvie’s didn’t really like my presence and just like mom and dad started screeching at me before taking off towards me while the other bird, still sitting on the ledge, watched with amusement.
It was at this time that the young peregrine landed on the top of the high arch on the eastern side of the Investor’s Group building and, lo and behold, mom was sitting on the little bar jutting out to the north. Dad was on the south west corner of the Investor’s Group building after stooping at a red tailed hawk which was across the street at the Orthodox church. The third juvenile then appeared out of nowhere and landed on the north east corner of the building due south of the Investor’s Group building.
With sunlight quickly diminishing at about 8:15pm, the female then abandoned her perch with the juvenile who was sitting at the top of the arch flying directly behind her towards the Yellow Pages building. They reached the building and then proceeded to circle the building 4 times before both came to a landing on the antennae on the eastern side of the building.
During this time, the male and the other 2 juveniles remained perched on the Investor’s Group building and the building adjacent to it.
At approximately 8:30pm there was a boisterous sound from the Yellow Pages building where mom returned to the building with a fresh kill. She circled the building and landed on an open antenna with the juvenile then landing on the same antenna to consume the kill. Feathers could be seen flying everywhere from the antenna.
When I left the area at about 8:45pm, the adult female and one of the juveniles were on the Yellow Pages building and the adult male and 2 other juveniles were on the 2 buildings to the west.
It was a perfect evening, and all flights seen were not only strong but lengthy, showing that the skills of their parents have definitely been passed on to these young.
Attila Papp