
!!! Courtney is cashing in with lots of food!

July 27, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Wednesday July 27th - 2011 - PM Evening Watch report:
When I arrived at the Courthouse around 6:30pm, Courtney was sitting on the ledge above where we released her before, while her parents perched across on the opposite ledge. She looked to be eating, along with Truss.

Quarter after seven, Mom started screeching in an attempt to coax Courtney into the air, flying to her then back to her own perch. After giving up around 7:30, she circled the building before taking off for a hunt. Truss returned with food for Courtney, and proceeded to go after poor Milton who was eating! Milton sought shelter by Courtney, but found no respite as he was chased off the ledge by his own daughter (leaving his food behind).

Ten after eight Courtney flew to the roof, circling around and approaching from the south. Mom followed while Dad took his food to the second ledge up from the library. He looked quite nervous as he ate, glancing over to where mother or daughter might come around every bite! It was not long before baby took wing again, doing a circuit around the building and landing on an antennae, nearly crashing into
Truss who was previously sitting on it. Another flight took Courtney to the ledge her parents had been sitting on when I arrived, where she proceeded to walk up and down, bobbing her head restlessly. She flew from the ledge before attempting to fly back up to it and failing, and instead landed on the south-facing ledge where she had been previously released around nine.

When we finally left, both Truss and Courtney were still somewhat alert, but looked to be tucking in for the night. Milton had flown off north somewhere, as is usual for him.
