
!!! Both of the kids are once again back on the nest ledge. Remember, its still home!

July 26, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 26th - 2011
Another quick update from Eileen with several snap-shots from the web camera at the Toronto Sheraton nest site as both Cinnamon and Sunshine continue to frequent the nest ledge. It is very nice to see them still doing well, as we had some serious concerns with regards to baby Cinnamon given that he was so small and so far behind in age from his other siblings.

We all tend to forget that although the the fledgelings are far more independent these days and not frequenting the nest ledge every day, they are still looking to their adult parents for food and protection, and any “hand-outs” are always most welcomed!!

In addition, the nest ledge is still the only safe place they have known, and its still home until the juveniles migrate in the fall.

As we have already long since documented year after year over the past 17 years while intensely monitoring these urban nest sites here in southern Ontario, - (and a huge benefit of having the nest cameras), all of the resident peregrines, especially that of the resident adults frequently utilize their nest ledges throughout the entire year,, - spring, summer, winter and fall.

Its still home don’t you know.