
!!! Baby Harlie is airborne! AM report.

July 09, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

Bruce Massey Reports:

Saturday July 9th - 5am report
Took over from Anne B & Carol @ 1430 Hrs. Quest @ Nest Tray, Harlie @ East End of Building in some shade. Had around 2 hours of peace & quiet and then Quest flew low past Harley and then looped around to land @ roof level and then called to wake up Harley, and boy did she ever wake her up. For the next 15 to 20 minutes this girl vocalized she was faint w/hunger, all her feathers were be slowly pulled out one by one etc etc. Meanwhile Mom had gone & got a food package & after eating a little herself brought the rest in for Harlie.
After that, there was around 4pm or so hours of flapping (Good Coordination, a little lift) disappearing around the East Corner. The determining factor was that the adult/s (Quest) were absent until the last feeding @ around 2000 Hrs. After this Harley went over to a column in the middle of the building and laid down facing inward. (Yahoo, an early night). Around 1/2 hour later a TTC Bus w/noisy brakes had her up again and finally around 2130 Hrs she had settled on one of the concrete pieces sticking out of the middle of the building. I left soon after that @ 2140-2145 Hrs releaved by Mark and Marion,, and Dennis and Gwen who came in from Windsor Ontario - (CPF chaptor coordinators from the Windsor Ontario nest site).

Bruce Massey
Sent from my Black Berry device on the Rogers Wireless Network