
!!! Baby H is doing very well indeed!!! She has both parents undivided attention!

July 10, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

Mark Nash Reports:

Sunday July 10th - 2011 - PM watch report:

By 9:15pm this evening, Baby H had settled down for the evening, resting on the upper ledge of 240 Duncan Mill Rd building quite obviously pooped out with the days activities. During her late afternoon and early evening antics, she made more than seven short flights from building to building without any problems, gaining altitude from the 5th and 6th floor ledges to the upper roof of the 225 Duncan mill road - (the Harlequin building roof top). This roof top is 10 plus floors in elevation. Quest and Kendal were with her (or should I say almost on top of her during most of the flights), and are incredible parents, especially given that they are new parents!

I must add, that after more than 17 years of fledge watching in the streets - (and at many different nest sites), Quest is one tough parent, and certainly a demanding sot! I have NEVER seen a more “nagging” parent, as Quest constantly pursues Kendal around vocalizing at him during most of the daylight hours!! Even the other fledge watch team members have all come and asked us what on earth does Quest want of Kendal????

She is screaming, pursuing and chasing him all the time even after he brings in food!!! This poor little guy never gets any piece and quiet!! Well, what can I say, family rearing is a demanding job,, and the female falcon wears the “feathers” in the family and its obvious that she feels that she needs to keep him on his toes and is making sure that he is attentive at all times!!

WOW, is she keeping him on his toes!!! Oh my goodness!! Is she a nag!!!

Marion and I closed the watch for the day just after 9:30 pm feeling very good about what had been reported by the fledge watch team from earlier events of the day, and very satisfied with Baby H’s progress during the evening watch. She is doing very well indeed, and obviously benefiting from not having any siblings to compete with for her parents attention!!

The low rise office buildings surrounding this nest site with all of the easy to access ledges are a great benefit both Baby H and the parents. It is also a huge benefit to us doing the fledge watch.

The availability of empty parking lots and open unobstructed air space around the three main buildings is very accommodating and makes this fledge watch a very easy process. There is absolutely no weekend traffic and the area is very quiet indeed! Makes for a very stress free watch in comparison to most of the other fledge watches were involved in.

Quest and Kendal are outstanding parents and are staying tight to Baby H.