
!!! A call for Fledge watch volunteers! We need your help!

July 04, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Kathy Smith reports today after spending some time at the Don Mills nest site today that baby Harlequin is progressing just fine and as we can all see by the Harlequin web camera, she is growing very quickly and will soon be taking her first flights!!

Quest & Kendal have been outstanding parents, as witnessed again today by Kathy’s observations of Quest as she tried to shelter baby Harlequin from the hot sun . There was some great family moment witnessed today with mom and daughter on the nest ledge!

We are looking for fledge watch volunteer support for this nest site, and will very soon be planning to hold the fledge watch training for all of those who are interested in participating.

Those that are interested are asked to come to the CPF web site and fill out the volunteer application form at:

Please indicate that you are interested in the Don Mills fledge watch in the additional information or comments section. Please ensure that you have left us your telephone numbers so we can call you back with details of the fledge watch training sessions.

We will be starting the fledge watch Friday July 8th in the later afternoon - (early evening).

Hope to here from you soon.