
William Osler Watch Starts Today

June 13, 2011 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Frank and I were down at the William Osler Hospital today to kick off the watch and check on Storm, Wind and Rain, the three juveniles that were under the close watch of the resident pair Hurricane and O’Connor.  All three of the chicks are now out of the nest tray and exploring the ledge thatspans the circumference of the building.  Most of the juveniles time was spent on the east ledge close to the nest tray but by later in the day, uncharted territory on the southeast side was the new thing to explore.  To make that corner even more intriguing, both Hurricane and O’Connor were enjoying a private moment away from the kids on the south facing “H” and the juveniles were eager to follow.  A feeding took place at 1:00pm and the ledge running began shortly thereafter.  Shortly after we left the site to attend Etobicoke Sun Life, Bruce Massey arrived and was treated to the same level of activity as we were; lots of flapping and ledge running.  There was another feeding at 7:00pm and the resident female doled out the food to each chick before settling down on her favorite corner on the southeast of the building.  Although the chicks still have some down present, we expect that the male, given his rambunctious behaviour, will be ready to take his first flight any day now.  Hurricane, the resident male, is encouraging the young to join him and regularly does close fly bys ( which of course fires them all up! ).  We will be back tomorrow to see if our young male takes that first important flight.