
The 5am to 4pm Watch

June 14, 2011 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Paul Reynolds reported that at 5:10 this morning; Lady Lamont was sitting on a light on the harbor side of the Burlington Tower.  Thank goodness she had survived the night and had made her way to the edge of the Tower.  At 5:30am she was flapping her wings.  Mom definitely knew where she was and appeared to dive bomb her at one point.

When Bill and I arrived at 7:45am she was sitting on one corner of the Burlington Tower and Mom was sitting on the other corner.  At 8:00am Lady Lamont started working her way along the edge of the Tower flapping and vocalizing the whole way. Mom was sitting on the Eye Bolt and Dad was flying between the cable arm and the wires.  By 8:42am Lady Lamont had made her way directly over the nest box and both sisters were looking at each other and vocalizing.  For the rest of the morning Lady Lamont made her way around the Tower flapping and running and sleeping.

At around 12 noon, Bill and I left for some lunch and when we returned, Mark Nash informed us that we had just missed a pretty good flight.  At 12:35pm Lady Lamont left the roof of the Burlington Tower and flew to the Hamilton Tower with an unsuccessful landing.  She came around and made her way back to the Burlington Tower landing on the lake side cable arm.  At 12:45pm she flew again to the Hamilton Tower again an unsuccessful landing but managed to carry on to the Hamilton Hydro Tower.  Mom was sitting in the Hydro Tower and appeared to pay no attention to these flights.

At 2:30pm, Lady Lamont left the Hydro Tower and flew to the Burlington Tower.  It looked like she was trying to make her way back to the nest box.  Again, an unsuccessful landing with a face plant on the buffer housing.  She got off and landed safely on a picnic table.  Over the next little while she managed to walk to cables to the Burlington Tower lake side cable arm.  When we left for a break at 3:30pm, that is where she remained.

Lady Nelson continues to flap her wings and run around the nest box.  Her first flight should be soon.

Stay tuned…….