
Site Check on Wind, Rain and Storm at William Osler

June 23, 2011 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

We arrived on site to once again find no one visible. I am one day older and one day wiser so I decided to wait and watch for juveniles to make their appearances. It was a good choice as the two females were on the northeast corner of the nest building roof and had just popped up from a nap. Storm was clearly visible in the nest tray and seemed quite happy to not have to “share the bed” with two big clunky sisters. The females are gaining much greater confidence and control with their flights and are back and forth to the tower and the building roof quite readily. By noon, the rain was moving in and the juveniles got to experience their first good shower. They thoroughly enjoyed it and spent the rest of the time preening their new feathers; Storm on the nest ledge, Rain and Wind on the roof. We left the site as we were called away to two other site checks and upon our return, all three juveniles were now sitting on the east facing “H” sign which is Hurricane’s favourite spot. He has been displaced from that spot by his kids and now is perching on the nest ledge to the right of the sign.  The juveniles at this site are doing very well now and we are going to reduce this site to check ins and help out at the other fledge watches around Toronto.  As we were set to close down, I hoped out of the truck to find O’Connor grappling on the ground with an adult Canada goose.  This goose had just been walking through the parking lot minding its own business when it was grabbed by the back by a Peregrine falcon!!  The look on the face of the goose was pure shock and it stayed still for quite some time before beginning to wander over to the grassy hill again.  O’Connor watched it from the top of the light post and let it be for now.  It would appear that walking geese ( not flying, she leaves those alone ) now need to be added to O’Connor’s list of unwelcomed guests in her territory!!  As we finally pulled out, all three juveniles were now sitting on the east facing “H’ enjoying their view from above.