
!!! One real fledge, one slipped off the ledge, and one still at home!

June 24, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Mark Nash Reports:

June 23 & June 24 - 2011
Its been a busy couple of days and there has not been enough time in the day (or night) to do many postings given all of the time we’re spending in th streets doing some very long days and not getting much computer time.
Friday June 24 was the busy day at Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site when Kathy reported from Scarborough Yellow pages that Striker - 97 over Y first took his first flight ending up on an upper ledge around to the south east side of the Yellow Pages building. There his spent most of the day running back and forth across the ledge much to the delight of the occupants in the office suite.
Paul and Michelle later attended the office suites on the 11th floor to get a better look at him where they were able to confirm that despite his rather loud and hard impact with the glass prior to him falling down the face of the building where finally ended up on the ledge, that he was alright. Michelle and other office occupants took some great photos.

Marion and I arrived just shortly after 4pm to relieve Kathy and Michelle and witnessed several small feedings by Linn and Reuben. At approx. 7pm, with gusty and constant winds prevailing most of the day, little Jet - 98 over Y was actually blown off the nest ledge rim and was swept into the air. With little wing flapping going on at all, Marion watched in horror as he fell almost straight down the side of the building and was finally caught by the first ledge some 6 stories down. Thank goodness he at least opened his wings during his decent as they softened his fall.
Moments later, he did appear from the back of the ledge and spent the balance of the evening running back and forth on the ledge screaming to his parents for food as they soared around overhead.

Striker later took his second short flight gaining a little altitude as he round the building to the north west side and landed on yet another ledge at the same level as his brother Jet, but sadly not a connecting ledge. By dark, the two fledglings bedded down for the evening.

Rihannon - 53 over X stayed in the nest ledge all day with very little flapping through out the day, and received several feedings from her parents.

We closed the watch down at 9:45pm looking forward to returning in the morning to continue the watch.
Stay tuned…..