
!!! Kenya’s first flight

June 20, 2011 - Toronto - King Street

Marion Nash Reports:

Expecting that today could be the day one of the chicks would fledge I arrived at the site at 2 pm and found Sakura on the ledge flapping and screaming for mom and dad to bring food but did not see Kenya.

In about 45 minutes mom came in with food which Sakura quickly grabbed form her and jumped back down in the nest ledge to eat and all the while I heard screaming from a chick which I assumed was her brother trying to get his share.

I was told by other watchers that Kenya seemed to be a little lazy and often stays down on the ledge until the early evening or perhaps he does not like the hot sun so I was not too concerned that I had not seen him yet.

By 4 pm Paul and I were getting nervous about why he had not appeared yet even for a moment and I decided to go up to the mechanical room at the nest building to check the monitor to see if he was alright and nope he was not there.

I went over to the King Edward hotel and asked security to get me up to the roof as I had seen the parents hanging around the roof on and off all day and sure enough there he was sitting with his mom with a nice full crop of food.

Paul had been out to check on the kids earlier that day and had not seen him then so we expect he fledged sometime in the early morning. At dark he was still on the King Edward roof and his sister still on the nest ledge and after being fed by mom was tucked in for the night.