
!!! Kenya lost and found

June 24, 2011 - Toronto - King Street

Marion Nash Reports:

Kenya was missing all day yesterday he must have took off sometime in the very early morning.

I walked the downtown core for hours as far south, west , east and north as I thought he might have gone and looked in every alley I could find every balcony I could see every roof top edge and nothing. I went to the roof top of the king Edward, 18 King and Pauls terrace and scanned all the roof tops for blocks and nothing.

At the end of the day yesterday I went home feeling like I had done a marathon and worried as to where he had gotten to.

Thankfully he was found by Linda Woods right next door to the nest building on the roof top about 10 floors up he must have been tucked in yesterday and had not come out to the edge of the roof and it is one of the few roofs I could not get a site line on.

Hopefully he keeps high will keep you posted.