
!!! Frustrating day indeed, but all five grins in our view by the end of the day!

June 25, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Mark Nash Reports:

Saturday june 25th - 2011
Its started with one of those days that you eat adrenaline for breakfast as my arrival this morning was met with only one fledgling and only one adult in view. The little fledgling named “Jet” was still on the upper concrete ledges where he had fallen (or been pushed) from the nest ledge yesterday, but the other two juveniles were no where to be found.

After more than 25 laps on foot around the nest building and a marathon walk throughout the commercial district to the east, south, and west checking every roof top and leading edge over the next five hours, I must admit that I felt defeated and at a loss as to where the other two juveniles were.

By 2pm, finally Rhiannon surfaced from the bowls of nest ledge up to the rim and in my view. OK, two hatchlings in view at the same time, but still no Striker, the first fledgling to take flights yesterday that had spent most of his day on the east side of the building on an 11th floor ledge.

By late in the afternoon Kathy and family arrived with reinforcements that helped out with a walkabout and search the grounds again, sadly with no luck of sighting striker..

Throughout the day, the resident adult female - (Linn) was on site most of the day in my view and brought in several little food packages to Jet in between the bursts of rain. Sadly, she gave absolutely no indication or hint as to where her kids were all day,, other than the obvious, she was not leaving the site and on guard all day long. With the resident adult male absent, I was convinced that Striker has most certainly flown off before my arrival this morning, and Reuben was out on his position watching him.

By 3pm, and just as Kathy and family were about to depart, Striker finally popped up into our sight from the back of the same ledge on the west side where Rhiannon had been visible on all day!

By 4 pm, Marion finally arrived from the downtown Sheraton fledge watch and spent the balance of the day and evening with me until we closed the watch off.

By 7:30pm, Reuben- (the resident adult male) finally arrived on site and in our view that allowed Linn an opportunity to leave her guarding posts and went out to get more food for the kids.

Over the next two plus hours, Linn fed both Rhiannon in the nest twice with a very small package of food that was brought in to Jet, but Striker did not get food today

The constant gusty winds, heavy overcast and bursts of rain really made for a crappy fledge watch and seemingly has kept everyone holding tight on the ledges for most of the day. By 10pm, with all five grins in our view, we closed the watch for the day and departed for home.

Stay tuned………..