
!!! Missing Post From May 30th - Exciting News in Brampton; Two Eggs Confirmed at the Courthouse

May 30, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

Tracy Simpson Reports:

For all of the folks that have been looking for past postings and were unable to locate them, I have reposted them to the new Brampton Courthouse page for your reading.  The dates will be bolded for ease of locating them.

On Monday May 30th, I was on-site at the Brampton Courthouse to confirm my recent sighting of the peregrine pair in an change over at their selected southwest ledge.  I entered the building and once I was through the security checks, I was able to meet with Ed Czuchnicki, the Senior Facility Manager Central Region Zone A for CB Richard Ellis Ltd, ORC Property and Land Management Services.  I was pleasantly surprised to hear how excited the staff at the courthouse were to have a pair of peregrine falcons nesting on their building.  According to Mr. Czuchnicki and his staff, this is the second year that the birds have nested at this site.  I was able to gain access with Mr. Czucknicki to the window that overlooks the area in which I suspected that the birds were nesting and was rewarded with a view of Milton, the resident male, in incubation on the ledge.  Milton then stood up and gave me the opportunity to view the two eggs that he was diligently caring for!!  This is certainly exciting news as there has been a change in resident females since the territory was first occupied in the early spring.  Initially the resident female was unbanded as can be seen in photographs taken back in March.  The current resident female is Truss, a 2009 hatch from the Burlington Lift Bridge.  The CPF will be working with our latest peregrine supporters at the Brampton Courthouse to make this nest site a huge success for all in 2011.