
!!! Voltaire still hunkered down cooking

May 07, 2011 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

Just an update on what is going on here in Windsor. Dennis and I were down at the Bridge site for the last three days off and on. Wednesday, we arrived to see Freddie on the nest and Voltaire sitting on the R on the American side for about 30 minutes while Freddie was sitting on the nest ledge. About 8:45 P.M. Freddie flew off nest duty and landed on the Church Steeple when Voltaire flew in on the nest site. Last evening Voltaire sitting on the nest site while Freddie was sitting on the Church Steeple again. This morning we got there at 6:15 A.M. Voltaire on nest, Freddie was sitting on the beam south east end and feathers flying down like crazy. That lasted for 40 Minutes then he flew onto the pipe. We left the site about 7:15 A.M. both still in the same spots. No sign of babies yet. Stay tune for more updates.
This week as well Smurph while at the Bridge ID’d a juvy on the Church Steeple. He reports that Freddie flew around the juvy but showed no real concern. Smurph went on to say that based on size comparison to Freddie he would be inclinded to call it a female. Although no band could be recorded we can only wish that it is Bridgette safely back from a far away falcon wander. Have a great weekend. Gwen & Dennis