
Questions on Saturday

April 23, 2011 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill and I spent an hour our so at the Lift Bridge around noon.  We could some a small amount of tail feathers in the nest box so we knew 1 adult was accounted for.  During the time we were there, there was no sign of the second adult.  We finally gave up and headed for home.  Around the dinner hour we went back down and there was still only 1 adult.  We searched all their favorite spots but no luck.  All off a sudden, a Peregrine flew past us and went into a dive under the Skyway.  He immediately disappeared again and there was no sign of him for about another half hour.  Then from Burlington, we saw the adult approach from the Burlington side of pier with prey in talons.  It appeared to be a Gold Finch so we assumed it had to be Sir.  When we got home and Bill reviewed his photos, we determined that it was a Flicker.   The female left the box and flew out to meet him, but no way was he sharing.  Cirrus returned to the nest box and Sir continued his meal on the face of the Hamilton Tower.  Poor Cirrus. 

Now this exciting report from Big Frank from the Canadian Peregrine Foundation website.  It is great news.

!!! New Adult Female at Brampton Courthouse

April 24, 2011 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Bruce Massey was on-site at the Brampton Courthouse today and was able to positively identify the female by her alpha numeric band number.  Up to this point, the pair at the courthouse consisted of a banded male and an unbanded female as reported earlier.  The female is Black 36 over Black X.  Her name is Truss and she was hatched and banded at the Burlington Lift Bridge in 2009.  It would appear that Truss is now the resident female and Bruce was able to witness copulation and lots of vocalizations around the southwest corner of the building where there is a ledge that they appear interested in.  The identity of the male remains elusive and until we have positive confirmation of the alpha numeric band number, considering all of the combinations available, we won’t speculate as to who he is.  We will certainly continue to monitor the site for potential nesting and pictures of the building will follow shortly.
Please pass this along to whoever would be interested. Frank