
April 30th Missing Post - Brampton Territorial Male Identified

April 30, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Here is the post that was dropped when we updated our posting system regarding the identification of the territorial male at the Brampton Courthouse dated April 30th

Bruce Massey was on-site today and was able to make a positive identification of the male.  It is the bird known as Milton that was hatched at the Gulf Tower in Pittsburg in 2002.  This male and his young mate, Truss from the Burlington Lift Bridge in 2009, are still holding the territory but their status as a nesting pair is still in question.  While copulation was witnessed by Bruce last week, the adults are being seen off of the ledge at the same time most often.  There was a period today where both birds entered the ledge and “discussed the situation” but it is apparent that incubation is not underway at this time.  With the change over of the female from an unbanded one reported earlier to now being Truss has certainly disrupted cycles and timing at this potentially new site.  We will continue to monitor and update as we follow the pair this season.