
!!! Tonga has been spotted in Port Huron Mi., USA

February 02, 2011 - International, National and Local News

CPF Postmaster Reports:

With a huge thank you to Mark Robinson from Port Huron in Mich. USA, we have some interesting news about Tonga, who was produced at the MEC nest site back in 2003. After closer inspection of the great photo he sent into us, the band number was confirmed to be a solid Black band, 85 over H. Our banding records confirm that it is in fact Tonga from the MEC nest site, who was produced in 2003.

Mark writes:
I came across a banded adult Peregrine Falcon on the banks of the St
Clair River, Port Huron, Mi, last weekend.

I’ve attached a cropped image showing the only photograph I managed to
get that shows the bands. It looks to my untrained eye that the band
on the left leg is black and contains the characters 05 (85) above
the character H, with no line between the characters. Is that
sufficient information to identify the bird?

I hope this information might be useful to you and your ongoing
research. If you are able to identify the bird I would love to hear
it’s story and perhaps write a little about it, and the work you do on
my blog

best regards
Mark R.