
!!! KINGSTON:Peregrine With Potentially Dangerous Gear

January 23, 2011 - All Reports

Frank Butson Reports:

Recently on a birding trip to Amherst Island near Kingston,Ontario, Canada Ann Brokelman a CPF volunteer,photographed a Peregrine Falcon flying past her very quickly. She got a few quick shots of the juvenile plummaged Peregrine as it flew by,which shows some kind of entanglement. The location was west of the ferry docks on Amherst Island.

   People in the area should be on the watch for this bird.

Mark Nash CPF Co-VP and C0-founder writes:This is something that the bird has got caught up in, as this is not any telemetry or any typical falconry equipment.  While it could be a leash of sorts, it is NOT in any proper position that would benefit the bird at all. This is kind of tragic, if this stays on this bird, as there is a terrible,potential risk to the bird’s well being with such an attachment.  Fingers crossed that what ever it is, comes off!!

An email will be sent to the Kingston Field Naturalists and other avid birders in the Kingston area.  CPF volunteer Frank Butson will be in the field at Amherst Island next week and will keep eyes open for this bird.