
Peregrines Acting Territorial

November 27, 2010 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Frank Butson Reports:

Lyn Reports from Yonge and Eglinton.. Peregrine pair - Saturday November 27th 2010. 
I was at the bank at Y & E and seduced by the blue sky and sunshine I went out onto the sidewalk to look for our Peregrines. This was at 3:25pm. I looked up at the Heart and Stroke building and found nothing. On checking the Rio-Can building, top row of windows, I spotted one of the Peregrines. It was a large bird (when it flew I could tell) and so I believe it was the female. She flew across Eglinton,over the bank building next to the TTC lot and was joined over that building by the male,much smaller in size. When they came in to view over Yonge street I saw that they were both chasing a Redtailed hawk.
They nearly got it over the CIBC building on the east side of Yonge at the corner and the chase was on! The RT flew for dear life heading east,crossed over Eglinton around Redpath with the two Peregrines in close pursuit, diving on it periodically. They all disappeared from view on the north side of Eglinton.
I stood for a few minutes watching the sky and saw one of the Peregrines coming back along Eglinton until somewhere close to Dunfield Ave and then it disappeared again,on the north side.
It was very rewarding to see them still active in this area!