
Stormin Snackin

- Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Frank Butson Reports:

Being a CPF volunteer,it doesnt get much better than this! 

I walked out my side door,on the way to raptor watch at Rosetta McClain Gardens today at about 8am. What to my wonderous eyes did appear but a Peregrine Falcon eating a Northern Flicker atop a neighbors tv anetena,at Hollis and Birchmount. Immediately I set to trying to get the band number. First I noticed the obvious it was an adult. I realized it was a male.  Saw coloured tape over the USFW band,which was blue. CPF puts coloured tape over the USFW bands,when the young are banded so we can more easily identify which young Peregrine is which at fledge watch time.  Thought I read one band number but on review of the photos the band number is 30/Y Black background White letters/numbers,which means Canadian..confirms its one CPF banded.  I did a quick search and this Peregrine is Stormin,who was banded on May 28th,2009 at The Sheraton Hotel in downtown Toronto. Stormin had been spotted at the Leslie Street Spit(Tommy Thompson Park) earlier this spring and photographed  April 22 of 2010. I watched as Stormin devoured the Flicker,before ummm getting to flight weight if you know what I mean,and taking off to the west. Likely spotted again about an hour later by my friends,Pat and Nancy at Warden and Danforth. The photos are abit bloody so dont look if you are gentile.  Rest assured I was able to see in that and other photos the band numbers/letters.

Stormin Snackin Blue Tape right leg Stormin Eating A Flicker Most Of Band Showing Full of Flicker