
!!! Wade has come down, - Safely rescued!

June 21, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

I received a call early this morning from Bruce from the MEC watch with good news, in that he was alerted by the alarms calls from the local group of crows that live in the neighbourhood. Further inspection (combined with the fact that he explains that he was missing two juveniles from his view upon his arrival this morning), Bruce was able to locate one of the absent juveniles.

Identified as Wade by his band number, Wade was low hanging on in the tress behind MEC #4 being harassed by the large family of crows who were not happy about their new neighbor. (It’s tough being a young raptor, and there are many lessons to learn,, the hard way). This mornings lesson: - Crows are not very friendly at all, and they are very noisy!! Second lession of the morning: Mom and dad will not always be there to help!!

Wade was finally driven out from the cover of the tree branches by the crows and forced to fly again. Losing altitude yet again, and pursued by the crows, Wade was forced into the office tower windows several stories up and collided with the building and floated down to the ground to the concrete.

Bruce was on hand to both witness the entire event and rescue Wade from the ground moments after the crash. After a quick inspection to insure that there was no immediate evidence and obvious signs of serious trauma, Wade was placed in the rescue carrier for a hold over allowing him to cool out and settle down for a later more detailed examination of any delayed serious trauma.

As with all of the other downed birds, especially where there is hard collisions involved, they are kept in a cool darkened quiet stress free room on site where that has been provided to us by the building management. Wade will be examined after the cool down period again for further signs of trauma and the appropriate action will be taken.

Way to go Bruce!! Stay tuned……