
Still Waiting on a Hatch

June 17, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

I stopped in at 2:00pm this afternoon to check on the incubation progress of our unknown adult female at the hospital.  Initial observations about this site had two eggs back in March that disappeared after a territorial battle between females.  At last observation near the beginning of May saw an empty nest tray and no serious courting amongst the adullt pair.  As of June 1st, we have 3 confirmed eggs in the tray all thanks to the folks at William Osler that continue to offer unwavering support for the nesting pair.

Today’s check of the nest tray through the magic peep hole revealed a sleepy female nestled down on top of her developing eggs.  Considering that hard incubation began at the very least on June 1st, that would put our progress at a minimum of 17 days as of today.  Stay tuned as we continue to check the progress of this female and attempt to identify our new girl on site.