
!!! One of A Fledger’s worst nightmare! Every one is missing!!

June 20, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

A fledge watcher’s worst nightmare. Upon my arrival this morning, there were absolutely no birds in sight including the absence of both resident adults. After walking around the four MEC properties for over 2 hours searching every nook and cranny, every parking lot, and all of the surrounding roadways, nothing was found! Finally around 11AM, the resident adult female flew in from the south and landed on the nest box landing platform. She stopped, looked down into the ledge below the nest box and flew off to the north. Nothing in the nest box itself, but something was obviously noticed below as that was the reason she flew over in the first place,,, to check on someone!

By 11:30am, Marion and Kathy arrived to help in the search. Moments afer their arrival, one juvenile finally popped up from the ledge below the nest box, flapped its wings, rushed along the upper ledge to the corner of the nest ledge and dropped down again out of our sight. Neither Craig or Joe has been sighted since their release back to the nest building roof top last night.

After a two plus search of all parking lots, parking ramps and the surrounding roadways and buildings, trees, and the creek on both sides of Robert Spec parkway, not even a single resident bird of any kind was kind enough to help me with warning or alarm calls that would have tipped me off of a downed fledgling. So the wait continues in the hope that mom or dad will give us some help as to where the fledglings may have grounded themselves.
Stay tuned………