
Both Juveniles in view

June 20, 2010 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:
This morning, one juvie was seen on the south peak of # 1Toronto St.
The remainder of the day little action was seen. Malik must be venturing to new buildings and a little further away, no or little activity is seen during the day. The heat also must be keeping them out of view.
This evening, viewing from Front St, sightings of peregrines at various times had,  an adult on the east side Scotia Tower, one was seen landing on CIBC, another time had a peregrine on different spots on the east side of One King St. Don’t know if I was seeing both adults and juvies, or adults from King St and the Sheraton.
From Leader Lane, one adult on Dundee Place, while Zera was on the south corner of the nest building. Shortly after Paul departed, the second juvenile came into view. It appeared to have come off of the press building area and over to the King Edward Hotel, while the adult had moved from Dundee Place over the north corner of the nest building and very vocal juvenile had not moved off it’s perch on the south corner of the nest building.
That’s good news, two juvies and one adult at 8p.m.
Also, the Kestrals must be fledging at this time, lots of “keet, keet, keet” in the neighbourhood of Front St